Boba League

/ Registration


A casual league for new players looking to have fun while building confidence in bumping, setting, hitting, and serving. Slower-paced matches with a focus on improving fundamentals, teamwork, and enjoying the game in a relaxed environment.

FTLO Skill Level: B/BB

This level bridges foundational skills and recreational play. Players work on improving rally consistency, building confidence in passing, setting, hitting, and serving, while learning team dynamics and responding to faster-paced gameplay. Development focuses on refining fundamentals, defensive transitions, and introducing positional roles.

New this season

Registration details

Dates: April 6, 13, 27, May, 4, 11, 25, June 1, 8, 15, 22 (10 Sessions + Party)

Location: Fraser River Middle School, New Westminster

Format: Round Robin Matches & Final Tournament

**Registered  teams must be available from 3pm to 7pm**

Block 1 – 3:00pm to 5:00pm (2 hours)

Block 2 – 5:00pm to 7:00pm (2 hours) 

Tournament Day: 

Top 4 Teams – Block 1 – 1:00pm to 4:00pm (3 Hours)

Bottom 4 Teams – Block 2 – 4:00pm to 7:00pm (3 hours)

Price: $1060 Per Team or $176.67 Per Individual (GST Included)

Capacity: 8 Teams For Taro Flavour, 6 Players Per Team

**Taro flavour will only have Membership and Public Registration. Return Team Registration is unavailable for this flavour.**

**Participating Taro flavour is a standalone casual division and not intergrated into the Boba League divisional rebalance system**

**Taro Teams are permitted to apply for matcha or oolong registration/waitlist at the same time.**

**Any new players that completes a season at Taro Flavour will receive FTLO membership and a Boba League membership pin.**


Additional Details:

April 20 & May 18 – NO LEAGUE

June 22 – 3 Hour Tournament

FTLO MEMBERS REGISTRATION – Opens March 1st @ 12:00pm

PUBLIC TEAM REGISTRATION – Opens March 8th @ 12:00pm