Boba League

/ Players Resources

Boba League Players, please see below for helpful information and resources about the Indoor Volleyball Boba League.

​New players, please complete Boba League’s required forms online here below before entering the facility:

Documents, Forums & League Resources

Indoor League Rules

Includes: Game Format, Team Composition Rules, Penalty Policy,  Team Captain’s & League Representatives’ responsibilities, and League Rules


Provides a timeline and information on the weekly operations of a league night. Depending on game format, the timeline will be different.

Facility Set-up

Instructions for how to set up the volleyball nets and gym. All teams are assigned a week to help with set up.

Participant Waiver


Please read and understand what rights players are waiving before participating in Boba League sport events.

Media Consent & Release


The League will be taking pictures during the games. Please read and understand what players are consenting to when participating in Boba League sport events.

Code of Conduct

Please read and understand the responsibilities that players have when participating in Boba League sport events.

Complaint & Misconduct 

If you have a complaint about an individual because of misconduct or poor behavior. Please report it here. The League will get back to you as soon as possible.

Feedback Form

Got ideas, feedback or comments? Feel free to share it with us!

Safe Sport Training

At FTLO we believe in a safe sport environment and that this is a whole organizational effort in promoting and actively preventing maltreatment in sport.

We encourage to take this online free course. The CAC’s Safe Sport Training will give you the tools to recognize, prevent and address maltreatment in sport.

Lets work together in making volleyball a fun and safe place to be.


Are you a victim of abuse, harassment or discrimination in a sport environment? Have you witnessed such an incident?

The Canadian Sport Helpline is a free, anonymous, confidential and independent service
in both official languages. You can reach them by phone, text or email.
