Boba League


For new players looking to have fun and wanting an opportunity to build confidence in their bumping, setting, hitting and serving. Teams and players at Matcha Flavour are seeking to have meaningful back and forth rallies. Slower pace matches.

Exclusive: Beginner players only.

FTLO Skill Level: B - BEGINNER

Adults with little to basic volleyball skills or formal team play. B level provides fun and engaging training environments for adults to learn and re-learn foundational habits and confidence for all basic volleyball skills required to have meaningful rallies*. Adults may train at this level for multiple seasons to develop foundational confidence.

At this Level: Rallies are developing but not consistent. Focus is on movement confidence and first contact.

Development: All foundational skills at high volume repetitions. Consistency of the first passing and setting, serving and spiking mechanics, Introduction of team game play.

*Note. Meaningful rallies include 2-3 contacts per team before going over the net, as opposed to rallies that end from a single contact play (Ie. Missed serve, ace, ‘shanked’/poor first contact)

Registration details

Dates: April 6, 13, 27, May, 4, 11, 25, June 1, 8, 15, 22 (10 Sessions + Party)

Location: Byrne Creek Community School, Burnaby

Format: Round Robin Matches, Finale Tournament, No Playoffs

**Registered  teams must be available from 3pm to 7pm for rebalance purposes**

**Teams will be moved between 3pm to 5pm block & 5pm to 7pm block during the season based on their statistical performance**


Time: Matcha – 5:00pm to 7:00pm (2 hours)

Tournament Day: June 22 – 6 Team Round Robin

Time:  2:30pm to 7:00pm (4.5 hours)


Price: $1060 Per Team or $176.67 Per Individual (GST Included)

Capacity: 12 Teams For Matcha Flavour, 6 Players Per Team


Additional Details:

April 6 – Placement Matches
(Teams will play 5 matches with teams of different flavours. Based on the teams’ stats, the league may move teams to their appropriate flavour at their discretion.)

May 11 & June 8 – Re-Balancing the Flavours

(The league may move teams to other flavours for re-balancing purposes, based on wins/loss record stats, at the league’s discretion)

June 22 – Round Robin 4 Hour Tournament & Awards

June 29 – Season End Social Party


RETURNING 2025 Winter BOBA TEAMS REGISTRATION – Opens February 22nd @ 12:00pm
**Returning Matcha Teams Only** 

FTLO MEMBERS REGISTRATION – Opens March 1st @ 12:00pm

PUBLIC TEAM REGISTRATION – Opens March 8th  @ 12:00pm