Boba League


Rally ready teams looking for a challenge. These teams are pretty much ready to attend competitive leagues. Equal to gr. 8 to 10 volleyball play. Fast pace matches and harder spikes. 

Restriction: No “AAA” Players & Above.  No University & Post-Secondary Experience. Sorry!


FTLO Skill LEvel: A - intermediate

Competition Ready: A level adults may have prior high school gr.8-10 competitive volleyball team experiences. They may also have sport-transferable experiences from similar competitive sports. A level should be playing in comp. leagues which involve faster serves, spikes, blocks. Adults may be competing at this level for many seasons.

At this level: Players have assigned positions and can sustain meaningful rallies most of the time while facing some challenges with faster paced attacks; similar to a 15U Tier 1 club team. This is the highest level to reach currently with FTLO programming.

Development: Fine tune individual and team strategies and systems. High volume repetitions with focus on 2 or 3 aspects and strategies.

Registration details


Dates: April 6, 13, 27, May, 4, 11, 25, June 1, 8, 15, 22 (10 Sessions + Party)

NEW! Location: Burnaby Mountain Secondary School

Format: Round Robin Matches, single-elimination seeded playoffs


 NEW! Time:  5:00pm to 7:00pm (2 hours)

Tournament Day: June 22 – Seeded Playoffs (Info Pending)

NEW! Time:  2:30pm to 7:00pm (4.5 hours)


Price: $1060 Per Team (GST Included) 

Capacity: 12 Teams Per Flavour, 6 Players Per Team


Additional Details:

April 20 & May 18 – NO LEAGUE

June 22 – Seeded Playoffs & Awards (more details to come)

June 29 – Season End Social Party


RETURNING 2025 Winter BOBA TEAMS REGISTRATION – Opens February 22nd @ 12:00pm
**Returning Brown Sugar Teams Only** 

FTLO MEMBERS REGISTRATION – Opens March 1st @ 12:00pm

PUBLIC TEAM REGISTRATION – Opens March 8th  @ 12:00pm