Boba League

For the love of our players and staff


  • We strive to be a friendly volleyball community league that welcomes people of all walks of life and skill levels through good sportsmanship, cultural practices and mindful policy making.
  • We delight in sharing our time and energy with each other, whether we are playing an amazing sport called volleyball or singing our hearts out at a social karaoke night.
  • We hope to facilitate a healthy and thriving environment where players have the opportunity to strengthen existing friendships and form new ones. 
  • When we make a commitment, we follow through. We value trust, reliability and consistency.
  • We want to be hospitable to newcomers that seek connection, belonging, and fun.

For The Love Of PEOPLE

  • We recognize that each of our players have value and dignity as a whole person and are not limited to just their skill level and athletic performance.
  • We see the importance of patience, kindness & humor on the court.
  • Acknowledging we all have personal lives, we will be adaptable when supporting each others’ needs as our capacity & energy fluctuates throughout the volleyball season.
  • We share our talents and gifts proactively in a caring way to build up our friends, teammates and competitors as we see the importance of good physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.


  • We will not fear failure as a team or individual, but see it as an opportunity for building character, fine tuning skills and improving communications.
  • We celebrate each other’s small wins and progress whenever possible, regardless of the final results of the match or tournament.
  • We walk alongside our new and developing players, knowing that mentorship and discovery is the way for them to fall in love with this amazing sport called volleyball.

For The Love Of FOOD

  • As our league name suggests, we distinguish ourselves from other leagues by encouraging teams and players to gather for drinks/dinner after the league to enjoy delicious food and the company of good people.
  • We see the value in sharing food together as it brings a unique dimension into our community that enriches the individual and league experience.
  • “Food brings people together on many different levels. It’s nourishment of the soul and body; it’s truly love.” ~ Giada De Laurentiis

For The Love Of CHARITY

  • Knowing we are very fortunate and blessed with much in Vancouver, we want to have the heart of generosity, giving back to our local community and neighbours who are in need.
  • As part of FTLO’s charitable mission, Boba will donate our earnings, after administrative costs, to nonprofits that provide humanitarian support to neighbours that are disadvantaged in society.
  • With the monetary and human resources we have as a league, we want to empower our members to volunteer and fundraise for local initiatives that are meaningful to them.